Saturday, August 22, 2009

when has this ever happened....???

Today was the twins' 6th birthday party, and we decided to have it at Rodeo Lanes, the bowling alley here in town, since our lawn in the backyard is dead and the house is still not completely unpacked. (I'm quietly cursing all those who said to 'relax, it would take a year to move in'.... I have since slowed the unpacking process way down, almost to a complete halt...).
Anyway, back to the story....
Second game of bowling, girls (5 of them) on one side, and boys (4 of them) on the other lane. Caroline (Chelsea's cousin) bowls a strike, then Kelsey bowls a strike. Weird.
THEN....Reilly bowls a spare, then Callie bowls a spare.....and, yes, then Chelsea, bowls a SPARE!! Five little girls, all in a row. Yeah, I know....weird!!! We're talking 5 and 6 year olds here, with the exception of Caroline, but she can't be more than, like, 8!

Monday, April 6, 2009

Quick Comfort

Just a quick entry before I go to bed...
'cause, you know, I'm so good about blogging anyway.....

Tonight one of those great, warming parenting moments happened to me, and I really want to remember how awesome it felt....
Kelsey has been quite sick with a cold and congestion, and she definitely has the most trouble at night.  Tonight she was in and out of sleep while I was across from her room folding laundry.  At one point she got really worked up and was calling out, so I went into her room to see if I could comfort her.  I picked her up into my lap and snuggled a bit, and tried to ask what was bothering her, did she need a tissue or some medicine??  No response.....she was completely asleep, sitting up in my lap, hand resting on my chest.  That fast.  SO awesome.  I didn't want to put her back down, so I just held her for awhile and appreciated her.  Sometimes I feel with the twins that I rarely get special moments with just one of them.  Sometimes I feel that I don't really know each twin as an individual.  It was wonderful to connect with my little Kelse like that.  Gotta cherish these moments....

Saturday, March 7, 2009

Isn't She Lovely?

I have wanted her for a long time now.  A laptop I can call my own, and not one of CB's hand-me-downs.

I decided to try a Mac.....and I am convinced (after 24 hrs) that I made the right decision.  I LOVE her!

I am excited to have a laptop that the battery won't fall out of and lose all my work.

I am excited to have a laptop that CB won't decide all of a sudden that it is the one that needs to be at the practice to support some function or another.

I am excited to have a computer where I can store all my photos and not have to worry about a kid downloading something onto it and glitching everything up.  A computer that doesn't just shut off or freeze for some unknown reason.  And a computer that will turn on again if it does get turned off!

She runs like butter and is so intuitive to use.
I LOVE her iPhoto!  And she's fast.
I hope I'm going to blog a lot more now....