Monday, April 6, 2009

Quick Comfort

Just a quick entry before I go to bed...
'cause, you know, I'm so good about blogging anyway.....

Tonight one of those great, warming parenting moments happened to me, and I really want to remember how awesome it felt....
Kelsey has been quite sick with a cold and congestion, and she definitely has the most trouble at night.  Tonight she was in and out of sleep while I was across from her room folding laundry.  At one point she got really worked up and was calling out, so I went into her room to see if I could comfort her.  I picked her up into my lap and snuggled a bit, and tried to ask what was bothering her, did she need a tissue or some medicine??  No response.....she was completely asleep, sitting up in my lap, hand resting on my chest.  That fast.  SO awesome.  I didn't want to put her back down, so I just held her for awhile and appreciated her.  Sometimes I feel with the twins that I rarely get special moments with just one of them.  Sometimes I feel that I don't really know each twin as an individual.  It was wonderful to connect with my little Kelse like that.  Gotta cherish these moments....


Lindsay said...

Love this!! Enjoy those {moments} ... and good for you for blogging about it :)

Hope you're doing well :)

Suzie said...

You really need to read the book "Love You Forever". Go, I mean run to the library, ask for it, and read it!